Heartbeats! We had an incredible launch and community impact this quarter, however, wait until we announce what’s coming in Q2! I hope you can feel our excitement because great programs and #volunteer opportunities are coming for HH540. We are most looking forward to expanding partnerships with other non-profit organizations to increase the impact of our volunteerism efforts.
As we move into a new quarter in 2023, we’re grateful for each member who shared their time, resources and hearts through the organization. Because of your efforts we were able to:
Donate $1,059 which will cover one night's stay at an Atlanta Mission facility for 25 individuals.
Prepared meals for individuals and families residing at The Salvation Army facility in Atlanta.
Contributed 13 prom dresses and made a $140 donation to Clarkston High School.
Provided free-of-cost professional photography services for prom night makeovers to Clarkston High School students.
Our mission is to unite and inspire humans to be the change they want to see in this world through volunteerism. Heartbeats, get ready for an epic spring!